

            I was able to find two different types of guava.  The larger one is called the “Tropical White Guava” and the smaller variety is called the “Mexican Cream Guava”.  Both of which can be germinated the same ways.  They can take from 2-3 weeks to germinate, and in cooler climates can take up to 8 weeks.  They also need a frost free, full sun area south facing window.

            They enjoy deep watering which helps prevent delay of blooming and fruit drop.  Though the Mexican cream variety can survive drought like conditions and survive in the desert like conditions of Mexico.  They are fast growers and heavy feeders, so make sure you fertilize in the growing season. 

For me, I live in Canada where there are warm summers, and cold winters (-30 Celsius) some of the time it could be colder depending on the year, so I will be potting my guava’s and pulling them inside once it starts to get close to 0 degrees Celsius.

But now to the germination of the seeds.

1.  Cut the fruit in half and scoop the seeds out.
2.   Clean the seeds and let them dry out for a day.
3.  The next step is to moisten a paper towel and to put the seeds inside of it.
4. Place the paper towel in a Ziplock baggie, and place either by a grow light, or by the window.
5. Check the seeds for root growth and if the paper towel is still moist once a week, to every 2 weeks.
6. Once the roots start growing, you can place them in dirt.

This is the process that has worked the best for me in the past, but there are other methods that I have found on the internet where they tell you to place the seed right into the dirt and to place some plastic wrap over the top to act like a greenhouse and to place it either under a grow light or in a sunny window.


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